Sunday, September 15, 2013

Revamp an old jersey

As a huge football fan, I get great deal of use out of my jersey. As this season began, I pulled out my jersey to find the paint peeling off the jersey. If you have ever bought a jersey you know they are not cheap. So, I began brainstorming on ways to breathe new life into my jersey. "Ah ha, I'll paint it", I thought to myself.

I found myself, as I often do, in the arts and crafts department of my local super store. Looking through the shirt decorating sections, the choices were limited. Puff paint was all they had. I bought a black and what I thought was white with glitter, as well as some iridescent glitter from the school supplies department.

I pulled my jersey out and placed a notebook covered with aluminum foil under my number. I began to paint my "white"to find out it was clear glitter. I then used this as a sealer for the number and the base for the actual white paint. I was now at home and my project had begun, there was no leaving again to subject myself to super store hell. I rummaged through my arts and crafts supplies only to find acrylic paint. "This will have to do" I thought.

After the clear glitter dried, I painted my number white. It took a few coats to cover the jersey color. I then "sealed" the acrylic paint with another coat of clear glitter. While still wet, I sprinkled the loose glitter all over the white part of the number.

When dry, I got off the excess glitter. I then painted on the black puff paint on the edges of the number. A steady hand and fine print brush is required for this step. I used a flat brush for the edges. (The glitter can be difficult to paint over on the edges, if stuck to the border of the number.)

*note: I am using the puff paint as regular paint with a paint brush. I am not directly placing the puff paint on the jersey from the bottle.

I repeated these steps for the back, name, and other small details and logos.

Hand washing would be recommended.

*change colors depending on your team colors. (Duh)

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